5 Killer Ways to Manage Your Social Reputation

Originally posted at The Likeable Daily.

A reputation takes years to build, but just seconds to damage irreparably. In today’s evolving social landscape, brands need to be prepared when a crisis arises. Managing your brand’s reputation on social media is more than just developing a friendly voice. It’s a way of shaping the conversation surrounding your brand. What would you do if you found yourself in the middle of a social media fire drill tomorrow?


Social Relevance: The @MarsCuriosity Story

Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.

When Neil Armstong stepped foot on the Moon for the first time, millions watched with bated breath all over the globe. Ever since that historic July evening in 1969, public interest in the US space program has steadily declined. When NASA sent their Mars Science Laboratory rover (affectionately dubbed Curiosity) on its mission to the Red Planet in November 2011, they knew they needed to drum up support and breathe some life back into the program. So like any future-minded organization, they turned to social media to find their audience and their voice. The @MarsCuriosity Twitter account not only delights hundreds of thousands of followers here on Earth with funny and informative tweets, it also serves as a stellar example of how old-school businesses can make themselves relevant again by finding their audience where they already exist. Let’s have a look at what they’re doing right!

What’s Missing From Your Content Strategy?

Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.

Content. Anybody who’s anybody in social media and marketing is talking about the importance of quality content these days. “Content is king,” they say. I was lucky enough to attend the WOMM-U conference earlier this month, where content strategy was an event at the center of a keynote by Brain Traffic CEOKristina Halvorson.  And yet, with so many marketing professionals paying lip service to King Content, so many brands are completely missing the boat when it comes to a fully integrated and functional content strategy. There are four basic elements, and if any one of them is missing, your content strategy won’t be all that it can be. Does your organization have all the pieces in place?