
Do This One Thing To Be A Better Marketer

Originally posted at The Likeable Daily.

I recently found myself without internet access for several days while moving into a new apartment. At first I was upset. What would I do without a constant connection to the outside world? But I soon realized that it brought me exactly the peace and quiet that I needed to do some introspection and find clarity. Since coming back online, my mind is well rested, more focused, and able to think much more strategically. But if you’re anything like me, I’m sure you can think of a million reasons why unplugging just won’t work for you…

Why Entertainment Loves Social Media

Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.

Many in the entertainment industry fear the Internet because they don’t understand it. In 2011, those who backed SOPA made it clear that they would rather alienate an entire segment of their target audience and accuse them of criminal activity instead of harnessing their passion and turning them into brand ambassadors. But almost from the start, entertainers, studios, and networks that are active on social media and engage with their audiences have seen great success as a result. The numbers don’t lie. Social is becoming more and more a part of the entertainment experience, and those who jump aboard the social media train now will reap the rewards!

Social ROI for Dummies

Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.

One of the questions echoing in the offices of every social media marketer is the value of social. Here at Likeable, we even recently published a whitepaper on the subject of ROI. Marketers always ask themselves: how much return can we expect to see on our investment? How will this benefit us? Is it worth our time, money, and resources? While the question of social ROI is a tough nut to crack, there are some surprisingly simple checks you can use to take the pulse of your social marketing efforts and make sure you’re on the right track. Let’s have a look and see how you’re doing!

Social Relevance: The @MarsCuriosity Story

Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.

When Neil Armstong stepped foot on the Moon for the first time, millions watched with bated breath all over the globe. Ever since that historic July evening in 1969, public interest in the US space program has steadily declined. When NASA sent their Mars Science Laboratory rover (affectionately dubbed Curiosity) on its mission to the Red Planet in November 2011, they knew they needed to drum up support and breathe some life back into the program. So like any future-minded organization, they turned to social media to find their audience and their voice. The @MarsCuriosity Twitter account not only delights hundreds of thousands of followers here on Earth with funny and informative tweets, it also serves as a stellar example of how old-school businesses can make themselves relevant again by finding their audience where they already exist. Let’s have a look at what they’re doing right!

3 Myths About Facebook Promoted Posts

Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.

Ever since Facebook introduced their Promoted Posts feature, all sorts of fear, uncertainty, and doubt have spread among small business owners, independent artists, and others who rely on their Facebook pages for effective marketing on a budget. Well, I’m here to tell you that much of what you’ve heard simply isn’t true! Let’s take a look at these misconceptions and separate fact from fiction.

What’s Missing From Your Content Strategy?

Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.

Content. Anybody who’s anybody in social media and marketing is talking about the importance of quality content these days. “Content is king,” they say. I was lucky enough to attend the WOMM-U conference earlier this month, where content strategy was an event at the center of a keynote by Brain Traffic CEOKristina Halvorson.  And yet, with so many marketing professionals paying lip service to King Content, so many brands are completely missing the boat when it comes to a fully integrated and functional content strategy. There are four basic elements, and if any one of them is missing, your content strategy won’t be all that it can be. Does your organization have all the pieces in place?

3 Amazing Conferences You Wish You Could Go To

Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.

When you work in marketing, it’s essential to stay on top of current trends and always keep an eye to the future. One of the most fulfilling and enriching ways to stay ahead of the pack is by attending conferences. They give you an opportunity to meet with like-minded thinkers, hear new perspectives on familiar issues, and engage in conversation with industry thought leaders. While world-famous conferences like SxSW and TED get bigger each year, small conferences are also thriving. Let’s take a look at three conferences that can really deliver value, even if you haven’t heard of them!