ODTV Episode 1 - Commentary! The Podcast

ODTV's first official episode is here! For their maiden voyage, Ky, Faith, and Frank give a running commentary of Joss Whedon's internet sensation Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog! Whether you're a Dr. Horrible expert or you're watching for the first time, sync up with us and enjoy!

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Podcasts Own My Life

Wow. I have been -- to put it in my friend Andrew's words -- " a podcasting fiend" lately. Seriously. My name is Frank and I'm a castaholic. Listening to them, recording them, I just can't get enough. It's an exciting medium that I think has amazing potential.

For two and a half years now, I've run Frank's Music Free-For-All. About three weeks ago, I teamed up with my friends Tim, Ky, and Faith to create the Obiter Dictum podcast, a TV fan commentary show. And most recently, the aforementioned Andrew and I have started Echo Alert, a podcast devoted to the upcoming Joss Whedon and Eliza Dushku series Dollhouse.

Today, I had the pleasure of sitting in on the Entertainment Overload podcast and the Geekland podcast at the gracious invitation of my Twitter friend Willie. Entertainment Overload is a podcast reviewing TV, movies, video games and other entertainment. We had a great time talking about this week's TV and movie highlights. Smallville, LOST, Scrubs, and Taken were among the many topics discussed. Check out the guys and listen.

Then, on Geekland, we talked comics. I really had a blast with this one, since comics have been a new passion for me. We covered Superman, Final Crisis, Spider-Man, Green Arrow/Black Canary, Trinity, and whole host of other titles and trade paperbacks that we all read in the past week. If you like comics, please listen to Geekland. I started listening a couple of weeks ago and I honestly think the guys have a great show here.

So that's what I've been up to lately. There should be a new ODTV and FMF out this week, and a new Echo Alert after next weekend. February 6-8 I will be at New York Comic Con with my friends Andrew, Tim, and Vin. It should be a good time. During and after the convention, I'll blog my reactions to the panels and other goings-on. We plan to attend the DC Comics panels as well as a few others, including the Dollhouse panel where show creator Joss Whedon and star Tahmoh Penikett will screen the first act of the show's first episode. So that should give us plenty to discuss on Echo Alert. See you in the podcastverse!


Announcing the Obiter Dictum Podcast!

Well folks, one podcast just isn't enough to keep me overwhelmed. A few friends and I have teamed up to form a brand new podcast that we like to call "Obiter Dictum." What is this, you ask? It's going to be a fan commentary podcast. We'll be watching our favorite TV shows and providing a running commentary along with the episodes for your entertainment. We'll cover shows like Smallville, Lost, Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Heroes, Firefly, and much more! Our first official episode will cover Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog! I say "official" because we've already put out a miniature episode we've called #0 in which we explain the premise and introduce ourselves. I am joined by my friends Faith and Ky of the Chic Geek Podcast and Tim of the Crossroads Podcast. (Support them by checking out their shows in my Linkage section over in the right-hand column).

Download Episode 0 - "A Microcast"
Obiter Dictum Website: www.odtvpodcast.tk
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Obiter Dictum on iTunes
