I've always been fascinated by photography. When I was younger, my dad would show me the photos he took when he traveled across Europe as a bachelor. I always admired his natural talent for framing and capturing the best shots. Growing up, I always respected good photography and tried to emulate it, albeit without much success. I always owned some kind of camera and would go through phases when all I wanted to do was take pictures. In the last few years, as digital photography has really come into its own, I've gotten to know some pretty amazing photographers, both professional and amateur. And now that everyone carries a camera in the form of a cell phone, we're all photographers. But is this democratization of the artform necessarily a good thing?
5 Ways You Should Be Using Twitter, But Probably Aren't
Originally posted at the Likeable Media Blog.
I’ve been on Twitter for almost three years now. When I joined, I tweeted for a few weeks, but didn’t really see the point at first. I all but abandoned it for several months. But when I returned, I became a complete addict! I found a core group of interesting, engaging people to follow who shared a number of common interests with me. Once I began to attach personalities to those user names and avatars, I started to see the value that Twitter could have for me personally. And yet, people still ask me, “How do you tweet so much? Don’t you ever run out of things to talk about?!” It actually is a valid question: what exactly do we use Twitter for when we’re not just sharing the mundane details of our everyday lives? Let's take a look at some really fun and interesting uses for Twitter that you may not have thought of!
The 5 Best Exhibits from BlogWorld Expo 2011
A little over a week ago, I was checking Twitter on my commute home from work when I noticed several people using the hashtag #BWENY. Further investigation revealed that this was the official hashtag of the BlogWorld & New Media Expo in New York City. I knew that the conference was coming up soon, so this made sense. I joined the conversation and began tweeting away with other bloggers and social media enthusiasts who were talking about BlogWorld. I had read that they would be giving away free passes to the conference, but I didn't think much of it. Imagine my surprise when I saw a tweet announcing that I had won a pass! I was shocked, but excited. Wednesday rolled around and I found myself walking the Exhibitor Floor at the Jacob Javits Center with my co-worker Cara. I spoke to people from dozens of companies providing fantastic services to bloggers, brands, and agencies. I was already familiar with some, like Groupon, Posterous, and Wordpress, but I also learned about some really promising new companies. Some were better than others, but I plan on trying them all out. Have a look and tell me which ones you like best!
Living in @GaryVee’s Thank You Economy
If you’ve ever tried to contact a brand or celebrity through social media, you know how frustrating it can be when the only response you seem to receive is deafening silence. You might even watch as your question or complaint goes ignored while someone else’s praise gets Liked or Retweeted. What’s the use of writing on Old Spice’s wall if they don’t seem interested in what you have to say? Will you still be a big Ashton Kutcher fan if he never responds to your tweets?
Guest Blogging!
First, I wrote up a piece for the Likeable Media blog. My post is a guide to avoiding annoying trends and events in your social media stream without having to give up your addiction all together. It was first inspired by my annoyance with Super Bowl tweets, but it really applies to any event that you don't want to have polluting your timeline. Please do me a huge favor and hit the "Tweet" button when you read it!
Next, I wrote a post for my good friends at GeeksOfDoom.com. Yesterday was the 47th anniversary of The Beatles' arrival in the US, so I contributed a piece that put into perspective the impact that their arrival had on music and on history in general. It's just a brief look into my feelings on the subject, but it's something I feel really passionate about, and I'm proud of how it turned out.
I'm going to try to use this unexpected burst of self-expression and turn it into something productive. I really miss blogging, but I'm so busy doing things these days, I rarely have the time to sit down and make a verbal record of them. Still, I really love the rewarding nature of blogging, and I miss writing for fun. I'm not going to be that guy who apologizes for not updating his blog often enough, promises to blog every day, and then disappears for another six months, but I am going to at least try and make a habit of keeping this site at least somewhat up to date. I've felt uninspired for several months, but lately, some ideas have been brewing, and I'd love a chance to put them into words and get them out there. So here's to blogging!
Dragon*Con 2010 Wrapup
Dragon*Con Wrapup
Dragon*Con 2010 Day 4
Shout out to our buddy Louis who was with us at the Con but didn't make an appearance on the podcast!
Dragon*Con Day 4