With the fall semester drawing to a close and the only two shows I watch regularly (Smallville and Heroes) going on hiatus, I'm going to be missing my regularly-scheduled entertainment fix over the Christmas break. I've been hearing a lot about Joss Whedon's ill-fated Firefly series and its acompanying film Serenity. Friends have told me I need to see it, but I lacked the interest and - more importantly - the time required to watch it. That's where the internet steps in. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog formally introduced me to the mind of Joss Whedon. After enjoying that as much as I did I decided I'd add Firefly and Serenity to my mental "To Be Watched" list. Then Aaron and Will over at the Axed podcast did an entire episode on Firefly/Serenity this week. Also, as most of you know, I've been addicted to Twitter for over a month now. It's an amazing site that you need to check out if you haven't already. I've been talking to lots of very cool people there. Late last week, I started talking to the hosts of the Chic Geek Podcast. I listened to all of their episodes in a matter of three days and enjoyed them immensely. Faith and Ky are really funny and made me genuinely interested in checking out a few things I've been holding off on. I think I'm going to do a full review of their show as part of my all-but-abandoned "Podcastin' " ongoing blog post series, so be on the lookout for that. Aside from giving me the final push towards watching Firefly/Serenity, the Chic Geek girls have convinced me to look into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its popular spin-off Angel, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (T:SCC), which is supposed to be the best show on television right now, according to Faith, as well as Steve and Derek of SHoE (who also run a Sarah Connor Chronicles podcast called SkyNext).
So I'll be keeping quite busy over this break. Of course I hope to be working; in fact I need to remember to call my place of summer employ tomorrow to make sure they still need me over Christmas. However, if that goes through, I usually work early in the day, from 7am-3pm. That leaves plenty of time each day for catching up on good TV. Of course to watch T:SCC, I need to see the Terminator films, which I'm ashamed to say I've never seen. I know. Go on, ostracize me. But before you do, know that I watched The Terminator mere moments before writing this post and LOVED it. I'm going to get started on Terminator 2 in just a few minutes. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines isn't directly related to T:SCC, so I'll probably put off watching that until after I'm all caught up with everything else. I've only got a month of freedom to watch 7+ years' worth of TV and movies, so I don't want to waste my time.
Here's the order in which I plan to watch all this stuff. If you have any suggestions for how I might amend it, feel free to comment.

So I'll be keeping quite busy over this break. Of course I hope to be working; in fact I need to remember to call my place of summer employ tomorrow to make sure they still need me over Christmas. However, if that goes through, I usually work early in the day, from 7am-3pm. That leaves plenty of time each day for catching up on good TV. Of course to watch T:SCC, I need to see the Terminator films, which I'm ashamed to say I've never seen. I know. Go on, ostracize me. But before you do, know that I watched The Terminator mere moments before writing this post and LOVED it. I'm going to get started on Terminator 2 in just a few minutes. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines isn't directly related to T:SCC, so I'll probably put off watching that until after I'm all caught up with everything else. I've only got a month of freedom to watch 7+ years' worth of TV and movies, so I don't want to waste my time.
Here's the order in which I plan to watch all this stuff. If you have any suggestions for how I might amend it, feel free to comment.
- Terminator -- DONE
- Terminator 2 -- DONE
- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles --SEASON 1 DONE, S2 IN PROGRESS
- Firefly
- Serenity
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Angel