Beer With Geeks 123: I'll Sign Your Dolly

Beer With Geeks 123: I'll Sign Your Dolly

This week on Beer With Geeks, Tim regales Frank and our special geek panel with tales of his adventures at Boston Comic Con 2016. A very special thanks to good friends of the show Damon and Dan for joining us on this episode. Cheers!

Beer With Geeks 122: Twenty Flump-Flump

Beer With Geeks 122: Twenty Flump-Flump

This week on Beer With Geeks, Tim and Frank are talking about America's favorite small-town high schooler: Archie Andrews. The guys review the recent Archie comics reboot and talk about their memories of Archie, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead growing up. Cheers!

Supergirl TV Talk 1.5x05: All Right, Side Piece

This week on Supergirl TV Talk, Tim and Frank bring you their top theories for Supergirl Season 2. Who will be the villains? Will Kara, Alex, James, and Winn go through any major transformations? Buckle up and get ready for some serious speculation.

The Marketers Next Door 002: This is Fine

This week on The Marketers Next Door, Marissa and Frank dive into Twitter's new Quality Filter rollout, their history of dealing (or not dealing) with abuse, and how it impacts both users and marketers. Also, Frank really wants to be verified, and what should Marissa do about her Twitter handle once they are married?!